Girl Scout Kidprenuer Kit
Special Kit for Girl Scouts of Western Washington!
(If you are not a member of the GSWW please order our standard Kidpreneur Kit: or contact us for a custom kit for your organization.)
Engage your Scout in a hand-on entrepreneurial program with this custom Kidpreneur Kit & Pop-up Shop program.
The Kidpreneur Kit includes the following contents
Book #1 "Cat Casey Turns Brownies Into A Business" of The Little Books Of Big Business series
1 Money Envelope -kids learn basic budgeting!
4 Blank Business Cards - kids can make their own business cards!
6 Worksheets
4 Stickers (1 animal from each book - 2 cats, 2 dogs)
1 Mechanical PencilPrice tags
All items come in a fun "briefcase" that zips to keep the books and contents secure and portable. The front of the case has pockets that hold the business cards and the stickers. The case is transparent plastic with black piping and a zipper across the top. Overall size is approximately 8.25" x 5.50".
Scouts will read the book (independently or with their troop, video read aloud also included) to get business inspiration.
They will use the worksheets to develop their own business idea and product. Products can be created at home or during troop meetings.
*Scouts can use raw materials provided by the troop or individual scouts can provide their own materials. Part of the learning process will be to track the cost of the materials.
Scouts will bring their completed products to Artisan's Mercantile in Everett on May 4, 2024 from 10am - 1pm. They will be provided table space to sell directly (cash or Venmo) to customers.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram @TheLittleBooksofBigBusiness
Our Mission: To empower kids & families to learn about financial literacy through fun stories, engaging activities and practical applications.